Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sufjan Stevens- Paramount Theater Denver, CO

For real. This was hands down the best concert I've experienced.

Sufjan started off with Seven Swans and went right into Age of Adz and finished with Chicago, Concerning the UFO, To Be Alone With You and John Wayne Gacy, Jr.

As far as wardrobe goes...He had on gold shiny pants (slightly saggy but snug fitting around legs), bandannas of different colors on each hip, vintage T-shirt, and white feather wings. He only adorned the wings for the first song, Seven Swans, and traded them in for a sideways visor which had flashing lights on the rim. At one point he put on a mask, I think it was a rabbit?

There were about 7 people on stage. Two female dancers/back up singers, 1 male drummer, 1 male guitarist, 1 male bassist, 1 male back up vocal/misc instrumentalist (there may have been another one or two). There was a screen behind them with several movies: either constellations forming and falling or screen shots of Sufjan and one of the female back up singers dancing or images from Royal Robertson's artwork (the artist in whom Suf found a significant amount of inspiration for his Age of Adz album).

Sufjan would sometimes dance in sync with the choreographed dancers behind him. It was an over-the-top production and a feast for the eyes. We were in a venue that was set up as a theater so we were able to sit down which I actually really enjoyed. I cried for a couple of the songs because it was overwhelming for me to have listened to hours and hours of this guy and then see him actually perform his music in front of me! Also, Sufjan is so passionate, serious, unique and sincere. It’s hard to not be touched by it. After the concert, I felt inspired to be myself and accept others and live my life in a way that inspires others. "But when I live, when I live. I'll give it all I've got."

He was very chatty during the concert, very comfortable and obviously in love with his work. I thought it was really interesting how he addressed the emotion and thought process in the progression and writing of his music. He said that it was like a return to adolescence when he decided not to give a structure to his writings but go with his emotions and instinct. He said he let go of his “pretentious knowledge” and even put aside his guitar and banjo and wrote soley based on sounds. Mostly electronic sounds and manipulations has are in Age of Adz.

I enjoy listening to Age of Adz so much more now. My favorite song is Vesuvius. I loved the way he danced during this song and his explanation for why he wrote it. He said that when we come in contact with something so massive we want to give into it and jump in but self preservation kicks in and we don’t. I love this idea.

Some of the memorable moments for me is when he explained his interest in Royal Robertson and the background story of the artist. This took quite a long time and so he finished by saying "Less talk and more ROCK!". Awesome.

He also made some pretty hefty statement during his show: “It’s all about getting older and making concessions” He didn't elaborate too much on this but he did mention “middle age” so I think he is feeling older. He also said “Within 20 minutes after being born your nose is inhabited by Ecoli…just waiting. We are survivors”. hehe

Josh was not as familiar with Sufjan’s music and I found it interesting that he preferred the acoustic songs and said he would have preferred an all acoustic concert. I can completely understand this but I absolutely loved the dramatic and exciting performance and also the acoustic songs. Best of both worlds.

So in summary. Sufjan Stevens is surpassing Thom Yorke in my musical respect-o-meter. I love how he is so honest with his personal growth and experiences. This concert has deepened my appreciation for his music.


Impossible Soul:

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